
The concrete is the city of Chicago has its own artistic style. In our rush to get places in the city energy, how many times do we ever take time to look down?

Rise and Shine!

Rise and Shine! by professormaria
Rise and Shine!, a photo by professormaria on Flickr.

A person’s disposition is often measured by their sunny or not so sunny personality. This sunflower greets the day with joy.

Caramel Macchiato –

Caramel Macchiato - by professormaria
Caramel Macchiato –, a photo by professormaria on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Stripes shows his split lighting and his carmel face in this photo. It’s as though he dunked his face in a bowl of caramel. The photo has been transformed into a painting style.

Via Flickr:
How often do we not take a risk because of fear? Maybe our lives would be more magical if we moved past our fears and jumped in.

Abundance 6.16.13

Abundance 6.16.13 by professormaria
Abundance 6.16.13, a photo by professormaria on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
God provides. We are abundantly blessed. Each day in the U.S., we can easily take for granted our access to food and water. We must be mindful of the main source for which we are provided doesn’t start at the local grocery store. How have you been abundantly provided for in your life?

Via Flickr:
The process begins early to prepare for classes in the fall term. All items are reviewed to update the course with our ever evolving world work. It’s always my hope the students will enjoy and utilize the content in their careers. Transforming the world on class at a time. Be a bold leader of change.